How to achieve a Perfect Town Rating on Animal Crossing Wild World

Sunday, February 22, 2009
When you visit Pelly or Phillis at the Civic Service Center in the Town Hall, you can ask about the "environment" to learn about the status of your town.

Pelly (or Phillis) will read a comment made by a town member and offer their own perspective of how the town could be improved.

If you have a perfect town, Pelly will say:

"[Your town] is a great place to be! It’s really come a long way!" Sounds like this resident is very happy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could keep [your town] this livable forever?!

There are several advantages to maintaining a perfect town, the main one being that you will receive the Golden Watering Can once you have kept your town perfect for at least 15 consecutive days. You will also notice Jacob's Ladder flowers growing and may see that hybrid flowers are more likely to grow. This is advantageous because it encourages some of the rarer bugs to live in your town so you can complete your collection at the Museum.

If your town is not perfect, Pelly or Phillis will offer some hints about how to improve your town when you speak to them. Here are some of the comments and hints you will receive, and what to do about it:

This one is from someone who'd rather remain nameless ...
"Ugh! This place is the worst! Seriously, what's up with this town?!
Here, there, everywhere! Everything I see looks terrible!"
You know, I think if we added some green, it would really help ..

This is probably the worst answer you could receive! It means your town is seriously out of order!

To fix this, pick up all litter lying around on the floor, pull up all weeds and start planting more trees and flowers before going back to check on your status again. You may also have a Rafflesia flower growing in your town: these stinky plants only grow when your town is in such a bad state, and should die once you have made some improvements.

"It feels odd to write this but…can’t you take better care of our town?” That’s what the message says. He was holding back, but his sadness is clear. You know, I think if we added some green, it would really help.

This message would be spoken if one (or more) areas of your town has no trees or plants growing in it (usually because you have personally removed these plants).

To fix this, walk around your town and plant lots of trees in the area where there seem to be none, and add some flowers if you can for good measure!

"Hmm… Well, it’s not passing, but it’s not failing either. Like more than milk, but not quite a milk shake, know what I mean?!" Hmm… Sounds like there’s nothing this resident likes or dislikes in particular. You know, I think if we added some green, it would really help…

This is probably the most frustrating message you will receive! I personally had this message for weeks before I managed to fix the problem!

If you visit Phillis in the evening, her answer will be more specific: you need to plant more trees! The easiest solution is to absolutely fill your pockets with fruit and plant trees in every area where there are few trees. Make sure you can walk between them though or you will have too many trees and receive the message below.

You should also plant flowers every day by purchasing as many as you can from Tom Nook's shop, and water every dying flower so that it comes back to full bloom the next day.

Eventually the message from Pelly/Phillis will change and you will either have your perfect town or be almost there...

"Hmm… Well, it’s not passing, but it’s not failing either. Like more than milk, but not quite a milk shake, know what I mean?!" Hmm… Sounds like there’s nothing this resident likes or dislikes in particular. Hm, I’ll bet the problem is that there are too many trees…

This message will be spoken when there are too many trees in a particular area. Unfortunately it's more complicated to fix than the "too few trees" message.

My best advice would be to walk around your town until you find an area (or areas) where you can barely see the ground because of the trees and chop down only one or two at a time. Then go back to the Town Hall and ask about the environment. Do this several times if necessary until the "too many trees" message is replaced with something else. It's better to do this steadily rather than chop loads of trees down and end up with the "too few trees" message again!

"[Your town] is a clean and decent place. But it feels like something’s missing." Well, at least this person sounds content. You can’t be ecstatic all the time. Everyone needs to work together if [your town] is to be the best town around!

This is a great message to receive: it means you've almost achieved perfection. By adding just a few more trees in open spaces or lots of flowers, you should be able to achieve perfect status easily enough.

"[Your town] is a great place to be! It’s really come a long way!" Sounds like this resident is very happy. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could keep [your town] this livable forever?!

This message means you have achieved perfect status for your town! Congratulations!

Now all you need to do is maintain this for at least 15 days to receive your reward for services to your town: the Golden Watering Can.

Maintaining a perfect town is much easier than building up to this status. Here are some tips to maintain your perfect town status with ease:
  • Every day, water wilting flowers (and plant new ones if you can)
  • Do not leave any rubbish lying around!
  • Each day, 3 new weeds will grow in your town. Be sure to pull all of these up!
  • Try not to let anyone move out (talk to them a lot until they say something about changing their mind). If someone new moves in, their home could squash some of your flowers/trees and disrupt your perfect town status
After 15 days (usually on the 16th day your town is perfect) visit Pelly/Phillis and ask about the environment. You will hear that a package is waiting for you: this will be your golden watering can!

While it is not nescessary to maintain a perfect town after receiving your golden item, you may decide to keep it up anyway by watering plants, pulling up weeds, etc. This stands you in good stead for growing Jacob's Ladder plants and hybrid flowers (such as black roses, pink tulips, etc).

My sister and I have compared the moods of our townsfolk too: my town is perfect and generally everyone is cheerful, while my sisters town is far from good condition and she complains that her townsfolk always seem angry or upset.

We can't prove if this is merely a coincidence or based on the status of the town, but it is something to consider :)

More guides about Perfect Towns in Animal Crossing: Wild World

The information here is based on my own experiences of creating a perfect town, plus those of Andrei and my sister.

If you would like to know even more on this subject, here are some guides from other AC sites which you may find useful:

Image Credit: Animal Crossing Town image by HeyGabe vis Flickr Creative Commons

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Anonymous said...

you have to make sure there are 128 trees, 64 flowers, no weeds, and nothing is on the ground(fruit, items, rubbish, etc.)

Anonymous said...

a way to count how many trees you have is to dig a hole in front of each tree that has been counted. write down what number you are at every once in a while so you wont forget!

Anonymous said...

WOW! This site is AWESOME! Thanks much! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think it helps if you water all your flowers everyday, not just the wilting ones! :)

Eli said...

umm this doesn't work, i have 158 trees without counting the palm trees and they say i need more trees :S

and my website isn't good, so don't look at it.

Anonymous said...

hi dudes i rule

Anonymous said...

is it true you need 158 trees and 64 flowers?
does diving up your town into a 4 by 4 grid help?

Anonymous said...

What I did is just to eyeball the flowers - I made sure I could see at least three flowers on my screen everywhere I moved. Then I tried to keep 10 trees together. I drew a map of my town and marked where I had planted more trees (in case Pelly said I had a perfect town and then the next day one died). That worked for me.

Anonymous said...

thanks but i have a question what do the golden items do?

Anonymous said...

It is hard to get a perfect town.I tried this out and it does NOT work!they need to fix it!!!!

Anonymous said...

i don't think there's a certain number of trees and flowers you have to have in your town to make it perfect-just that they're evenly planted and there's not too many or too little.

Anonymous said...

thank you soo much you are like the best person in the world ive been looking for a sit like this for loke 3 years finally!!!! xxx000

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The most easiest way to get a perfect town is by doing what im going to write.

start on the left hand side of your town right in the corner. onece you hae reached there, put any pattern from your pattern inventory(a picture of a pencil) and do 16 patterns going down, and 16 patterns going right. once you have done 16 patterns down and right, do 16 again and so on, so on. once you have finished(BEWARE:ONLY DO THIS FOR HALF OF YOUR TOWN, BECAUSE THERE HAVE BEEN MANY REPORTS SAYIN THAT IF YOU DO YOUR WHOLE TOWN, PELLY OR PHYLIS WILL SAY ITS A RUBBISH TOWN TO BE) put at least 10-14 trees in each square achre, and atleast 3 flowers in each achre.
in a couple of weeks, you SHOULD now have a perfct town, if not, then you eaither did it wrong, or you dident do enough.

If yoy did not understand a thing i said, please go on youtbe and write on the search box how to get a perfect town! done

Anonymous said...

No matter what I do, Pelly and Phyllis always say that I don't have enough trees. Please tell me what I have to do! I've tried everything!

Anonymous said...

I cant get my town to be perfect. Pelly says my town needs more green. Does she mean trees?

Unknown said...

I always have " Add some green" (Exept when I had too much stuff on the ground). It is so frustrating.

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